Distance Healing
Distance healing is energy work from a distance that can be sent to a person, animal or region anywhere in the world.
Each situation with distance healing is unique. I will connect with my guides, Reiki Masters, Higher Self and angels to check in with you or a loved one’s energy in order to bring forward anything at all that would be beneficial for ultimate healing. I will ask for the Highest of Divine guidance to access healing information that would be of the greatest benefit for the situation. They may bring forward a vitamin, a book or a self-care practice that would help you heal...whatever is for your best and Highest good. I may also use a combination of healing modalities that I customize to each situation.
Energy healing is a process to be used when you or a loved one is in distress on a mental, emotional or physical level (or all three). We all have the ability to call on angels and guides at any time for this healing. During a distance healing session, I am accessing Universal energy that everyone has the ability to tap into. Setting the intention to surround or protect yourself or a loved one is really all you need. However, when you are in a high-emotional situation, it can be difficult to hear the Divine guidance that is trying to come forward. If you feel you need additional support, this is where I can be of service.
Protection while traveling/military families
Guidance during an important test
Clarity, insight, answers and divine guidance when feeling stuck
Healing during an illness
Relieving anxieties surrounding dental work
Removing blocks to communication before an important speaking event
Healing and protecting a pet in distress
Increasing recovery time, healing and protecting someone undergoing surgery or medical procedures
Discovering the root of a health problem
Relieving physical pain, increasing healing energy and surrounding an individual with loving and healing angels
Sending love and peaceful resolutions to a country at war
Increasing energy before or during an important event or a long day of work when feeling tired, sick or distressed and want things to go smoothly
Healing from an addiction or trauma
You really never know what spirit will bring forward so it’s very important to have an open mind and a focused intention without expectations. Expectations can create a block to a positive outcome. Please also keep in mind that this is a very sacred healing process and will not be used to override someone’s free will.

If you are interested in this service, please click below to contact me for a free phone consultation. This is a very unique service and rates will vary depending on the request.